There has always been a special group of people in my professional life–those in near orbit that provide counsel and afford access to their experiences. These professionals come from a myriad of backgrounds and industries; all are senior-level leaders. They are generous with time because they care, not just about me (which they absolutely do) but they care about people, about the way business should be done, about how decisions are made and all without ego or pride of authorship. This is a special group of human beings.
I realized that this group of people should be brought together—given form and purpose. I wasn’t quite sure how, nor exactly why, I just knew they possessed the wisdom and experience to provide guidance to others who found themselves in critical situations that call for objective viewpoints and honest assessments.
There are commonalities rampant throughout this group:
· an affinity for things that matter,
· empathy for people and important causes,
· a commitment towards doing things the right way—the first time,
· an innate drive to work towards meaningful change,
· an understanding that wisdom comes from experience and is evidenced by scar-tissue and wanting to make business better.
This group’s strength comes from diversity of experience and mindset, coupled with deep operational experience and high emotional intelligence.
So, we became a thing.
Truth is, we were just getting started at that point—discussing the big things we could help others accomplish, where we thought fundamental business problems lived, industries, leadership challenges, true innovation and ultimately real disruption….we needed to understand where we could be truly impactful. It was clear from the get-go that the group had a thirst to do meaningful things.
The focus became identifying monumental challenges: Companies at pivotal moments in their history, facing massive change and not quite sure how to respond. Companies held in place by fear because of circumstances beyond their control. Industries on the cusp of sea change because of outside forces.
We started organizing our thinking and taking stock of the accumulated experiences and skillsets in our midst. What if we could help companies find the opportunity in those times of profound change and take control of their own destiny?
We realized we had to focus our attention on that place that was filled with insights and possibilities that (almost) never gets discussed in the course of normal business. A space between what “had been” and what would “be next”. A place of transition, waiting and not knowing. This is where true transformation takes place if we learn to wait and let it inform us. We know Liminal Space, we’ve lived it, personally and professionally. It is where we are called to be.
Then, this pandemic happened.
“Suddenly, all is Liminal”. It’s a profound statement, and here we are. As a planet, a country, a state, a business, an individual and as a community. We find ourselves overwhelmed by it all. We find ourselves seeking guidance, as we wade into uncharted territory.
The decision made itself—and became a massive aspiration! We want to help the world change…for the better. What if at moments when whole industries are forced to stop, your company could use those gaps to go from “what is” to the opportunities that might be “next”? To evolve your business, grow your mission, rebrand your message, intimately engage your customers….identify those things you want to make better about your company and change course to a more successful path. Take initiative and truly lead.
Our mission is not to foster incremental change, nor increase the bottom line a few basis points, nor bring new short term efficiencies.
Our mission is to guide to profound, profitable business change.
We are Liminal Consulting.